Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Path

We all have a journey that we are on. The path seems clearly laid out for some of us. Some of us are planners and we know what direction life should be taking us. There are challenges but being ready for them is what it’s all about. We’re great problem solvers and the ability to look at an obstacle as an opportunity is what helps us to grow in new and better directions.

There are those of us that are going with the flow of life. Those that take life as it comes and meld ourselves to whatever may lay ahead. There may be obstacles but those that look at life this way have faith that all will be well in the long run. We may have to get through a tough situation but have the faith that things will change in time. We have knowledge that although a situation may not be great right now, that things will get better.

Then there are those of us that try to plan, but things seem to often take a different turn than what we think should be happening. Those of us that believe that life isn’t handing us what we deserve. Or at least hasn’t for a while. What we have worked hard for doesn’t seem to be paying off. But, we keep on giving it out best shot. We grow tired of the way life is going but we know that life doesn't stay the same. It is always changing and hell...we just might win the lottery!

This is portraying three type's of people or maybe just three different situations that any given person could be in at any given time in life. All of these paths have been ones that I have experienced. I am pretty sure most of you have experienced too.

A friend of mine likes to say "times are tough" jokingly to his wife. But the truth is that times really are tough for a lot of us.

I have been through some challenging times in life and I do know one thing to be true…I always got through those times.

There's that old saying that time heals. Well, time also changes things. We go about our every day lives and things change. Life never stays the same. At times it is more challenging than others. It was in the strength that I gained through experiences that enabled me to grow and look at life a bit differently each time.

It is through hearing other peoples words of wisdom or experiences that I can understand how much we all could benefit from each other's experiences. Feel free to post.

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